Parents/carers are required to inform the Principal, in writing of the nature, dosage and frequency of medication required by the child. Please complete an online Request to Administer Medication Form and provide medication to school in its original packaging.
Health Conditions
If your child has a health condition you are required to inform the Principal in writing. Download the Request for Support at School of Student's Health Condition. Complete this form and hand it in to the school.
Additional documents that may accompany this form are Asthma Care Plan, ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis (EPIPEN), ASCIA Action Plan for Anaphylaxis (ANAPEN), Action Plan for Allergic Reactions, Action Plan for Insect Allergy, Action Plan for FPIES, Diabetes Plans, Diabetes Pump Management Plan, Diabetes Injection Management Plan.
If your child will be absent from school for more than 5 days please complete an online Application for Extended Leave.
The volunteer declaration (PDF 99KB) must be completed by volunteers and non-child related contractors seeking engagement with the Department of Education where the person is exempt under the Child Protection (Working with Children) Regulation 2013 from having to hold a Working with Children Check clearance.
Please see our Rules and Policies page regarding attendance at school. Reasons for absences may be submitted through our Schoolzine site here.
Bicycle Riders
If your child is 10 years of age or over and would like to ride their bike or foot scooter to school they must complete an agreement. Download the Bicycle & e-Bike Riders Agreement or Foot Scooter & Skateboard Rider Agreement. Complete this form and hand it in to the school.
General Notes
Please refer to the Resources tab in School Bytes for all notes.