Grays Point Public School

Our School in the Park is Second to None

Telephone02 9524 3096


GPPS Attendance Procedures

Parent/Carer Responsibilities

·      Ensure that their child attends school on every school day.

·      Provide a satisfactory explanation for all absences.

·      Submit an Absentee Form through the Schoolzine App on the day of any absence.

·      In the case of any planned absences (under 5 days) provide an explanation by submitting an Absentee Form through the Schoolzine App.

·      In the case of any planned absences (5 days or more) complete an online Application for Extended Leave Form found in the School Bytes Parent Portal (under Forms tab) or on the Grays Point Public School website.

Student Responsibilities

·      Students must attend school every school day. They must be on time and have all necessary equipment.

·      Never leave school during school hours without permission from parents/carers or the school and without signing out at the office.

·      Report to the school office if arriving at school after 9.17am.

School Responsibilities

·      Regularly inform students, staff and parent/carers regarding the attendance policy and procedures and making this publicly available through newsletters and enrolment packages.

·      Monitor student attendance daily through roll marking procedures.

·      Notify parents/carers of any unexplained absences via an SMS on the day of the absence, requesting a satisfactory explanation for their child's absence. If no explanation is given the office will phone parents within 5 days of the absence.

·      Notify the Principal when concerned that the explanation for student absence is unsatisfactory.

·      Offer help to parents and students when school attendance has become a problem.

·      Provide students with school work when they are absent for legitimate extended periods of time.

·      Notify the relevant authorities if non-attendance persists.

View the NSW DOE Attendance Policy